


Next Day Delivery (UK Mainland) - DPD

Order before 1pm for next working day delivery (UK Mainland). Orders placed over the weekend will be dispatched the following Monday.

Orders Under £40
Orders Over £40
Outside of UK Mainland - DPD
Delivery outside of UK Mainland will be delivered within 2-3 working days.
Islands (Scottish Islands, Channel Isles, Isle of Man, Isle of Wight) £15.99
Northern Ireland £19.99




Standard 3-5 days - DPD
A delivery charge will be applied at the checkout, according to the country of destination and size/weight of your order.
Europe Zone 1 - Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands

€15.95 for orders up to 2kg (e.g. PetProtectors)

€23.95 up for 5kg (e.g. PupPillow/PetNest only)

€35.95 for orders over 5kg (e.g. PetNest & Stand)

Product and delivery prices exclude local VAT, which is payable upon delivery, along with any additional clearance costs. The product prices shown in € have are discounted to try and factor in these charges.

Europe Zone 2 - Austria, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain
€19.95 for orders up to 2kg (e.g. PetProtectors)

€30.95 up for 5kg (e.g. PupPillow/PetNest only)

€48.95 for orders over 5kg (e.g. PetNest & Stand)

Product and delivery prices exclude local VAT, which is payable upon delivery, along with any additional clearance costs. The product prices shown in € have are discounted to try and factor in these charges.